整形手术 对男人来说 | 唐纳森整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网




在过去的几年里, men have comprised the fastest-growing category of plastic surgery and aesthetic patients in the United States. And nearly half of all functional medicine patients are men. Our practice reflects these trends, 更多的人在哥伦布, Ohio trust 唐纳森整形外科 and 唐纳森 Health to improve their wellness and appearance.




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    脱发 & 体毛

    在你想要的地方掉头发? We can use your body’s own natural growth factors to restore your hair and stop the shedding. 注意你的头发 想要它? We use lasers to reduce unwanted follicles.

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    男人 typically store extra weight in the chest (gynecomastia) or abdomen/flanks (spare tire). Our surgeons perform corrective operations with small 切口, minimal 停机时间. Alternatively, you may be a candidate for Coolsculpting, which eliminates fat with no 切口, no 停机时间.

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    If you constantly feel tired and run down, you could have a hormone imbalance, 维生素缺乏, a 肠道健康 issue or a combination of lifestyle challenges. Our functional medicine team will help determine the root causes of your fatigue and create a plan to increase your energy and improve your vitality.

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    我们可以帮助你变老. Most men can point to new lines or hollows they wish weren’t on their face, 或者后退的发际线, 或者身体脂肪, 或者晒伤, or the loss of energy or sex drive. We understand the unique challenges men face, we have solutions.

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    Our medspa is very relaxing, but it is also geared toward results. Our aestheticians have studied the differences in men’s skin, will work around beards and masculine features to achieve better tone and clarity. We also have medical-grade skincare products for men, so you can continue making progress at home.




Hair loss is genetic, progressive and has the potential to erode confidence. We combine medical-grade products with your own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to address thinning and restore a more youthful appearance.



Some men have more breast tissue than others. 这没有任何意义, so if you’re tired of feeling it or seeing it in the mirror, then we can remove it with small 切口, very little 停机时间.



抽脂术 targets stubborn fatty areas and permanently improves contour. This procedure consists of passing thin cannulas through tiny incisions to remove excess fat. In men, typical areas include the chest, abdomen and flanks.



CoolSculpting is a completely non-invasive procedure that reduces stubborn fat pockets by cryolipolysis, or freezing the fat so that it permanently shrinks. This FDA-approved treatment uses controlled cooling technology to target areas such as the abdomen and flanks — in our office — without surgery or 停机时间.



肉毒杆菌 is famous for treating fine lines and facial wrinkles, but it is also extremely effective for treating excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) of the armpits, 额头, 手和脚.  It can even eliminate tension migraines and prevent teeth grinding!



男人 produce less testosterone as they age — which can detract from wellness and appearance. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) helps men look and feel more youthful by reducing fatigue, enhancing libido and improving muscle mass.



It’s hard to look and feel your best when you’ re carrying too much weight. 我们采取整体的, long-term approach to weight management that includes nutritional evaluation and dietary modifications, 定制运动方案, consideration of supplements and lifestyle choices.



Improve texture, tone and clarity with our medical-grade skincare products and services. Our experts will help you consider everything from 肉毒杆菌 and lasers to sunscreens and moisturizers. We will create a no-fuss, custom regimen that is easy to maintain and actually makes a difference.


听听博士的意见. 唐纳森

关于博士. 杰弗里·唐纳森


Dr. 唐纳森 has one of the largest populations of male patients in Columbus, Ohio. He specializes in gynecomastia treatment, 男性吸脂, skin tightening after weight loss and tummy tuck surgery. He is highly trained and straightforward in his approach.  He will treat your concerns with expertise, compassion and discretion.


关于博士. 米歇尔Sieffert


Dr. Sieffert specializes in facial procedures for men, consistently garners praise for eyelid lifting, 颈部抽脂术, 整容术, 鼻整形术 and chin augmentation. She is a highly-accomplished surgeon who is approachable, down-to-earth and innovative.  She understands men’s unique goals and holds her results to the highest standard.


关于博士. 玛格丽特韦斯顿

Board-Certified 健康 Doctor

Dr. Weston is double board-certified in Family Practice and Sports Medicine, further trained in functional medicine.  She served as an OhioHealth provider and collegiate team physician, now she focuses on achieving performance, 长寿, 肠道健康, fertility and hormone balance among our wellness patients. She will help you optimize your health and maximize your output.


FAQs About 整形手术 对男人来说

是的.  And every year, the number increases. Some of the most common surgeries for men include gynecomastia removal,  抽脂术, 鼻整形术, facelift and eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty).  Many men also take advantage of 肉毒杆菌, filler, lasers, skin treatments and functional medicine.

The 停机时间 associated with plastic surgery can vary widely depending on the specific procedure, individual healing rates and the extent of surgery. Our surgeons use small 切口, take deliberate steps to minimize 停机时间.

  • 男性女乳症: Downtime ranges from a long weekend up to four weeks. 取决于严重程度.
  • 腹部除皱: Recovery time can range from two to four weeks.
  • 抽脂术: Downtime can vary based on the extent of 抽脂术 and the areas treated. Recovery may involve a few days to a couple of weeks of reduced activity, you may need to wear compression garments for several weeks to assist with swelling and contouring.
  • 整容手术: Recovery can take around two weeks, during which bruising and swelling are common.
  • 鼻整形术: Initial recovery usually takes about one to two weeks, but residual swelling may persist for several months.

Recovery is heavily dependent on the surgical procedures performed. For example, 抽脂术 recovery will involve some moderate soreness, swelling and bruising. 鼻整形术 patients typically see some facial bruising and mild headaches. 在任何操作之后, 你会休息, wear compression garments and avoid certain strenuous activities for several days to several weeks.

不一定,但有时. These thin surgical drains are gently inserted into the surgical site to eliminate excess fluids, 包括血液和淋巴, that may accumulate in the early phases of the healing process. Your surgeon will let you know in advance whether a drain is likely.

Depends whether you want them to know or not. An ideal plastic surgery result is one that seamlessly fits your body and highlights your natural structure. It should enhance your physique, not take it over. We listen to your goals, provide you with suitable options and help you achieve the look you want.

巨大的. Amid the confusion of social media, 付费广告和标题党, it can be difficult to determine who is trustworthy. Certification by the American Board of 整形手术 — which is a member of the American Board of Medical Specialties — assures the highest standards of knowledge, 技能与专业.

超越学术成就, board certification reflects a dedication to ongoing education and ethical decision-making. This recognition tells patients that the certified professional has undergone rigorous testing, 培训, 和评估, can be trusted to provide quality care.


We stand ready to help you at the intersection of men’s wellness and appearance. We understand men’s concerns, we specialize in their solutions.  澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台 us today to see whether we can help you achieve your goals.

